Smile South Florida Get Festive for Halloween
The staff of South Florida Cosmetic Dentistry certainly knows how to enjoy themselves and have fun during the holidays. This past Friday, October 31st, was no exception. With some of the office staff (including the doctors) dressing up for Halloween, we had a great time.
It’s the one time of year that you can pretend to be someone or something else, without having people think that you’re nuts! I chose to wear a Corrections Officer outfit, to match Alex, who was a prisoner in his orange jumpsuit. Dr. Anenberg was fully decked out in a 70’s hippie-meets-disco-mullet-haired dude. It was hilarious! (See photo below).

I am taking Dr. A to jail.

Sandy, Dr. A, and I. Sandy just escaped from the mental hospital.

Heather makes sure that Alex doesn’t move!

Dr. N is going to remove my tooth the old fashioned way! Jason is dressed up as the Devil, and Xochilt is a Captain.
Later in the evening, we had a fun-filled party at our house with plenty of candy eating and spooky music. Dr. Nottingham came dressed up in a medieval knight outfit, while his wife, Elisabeth was a cute spider. Xochilt and Jason made an appearance as well!
It was a great night and we will definitely do it again next year! Happy Halloween to all from South Florida Cosmetic Dentistry!!